November 12, 2024
Proposed ordinances on animal limitations and microchipping requirements, the Lockhart Moving Forward Comprehensive Plan, proposed noise level standards, and easement acquisition services were discussed at the November 7 City Council meeting.

Back row (L-R): Councilmember at-large Brad Westmoreland, District 1 Councilmember Juan Mendoza, District 4 Councilmember Jeffry Michelson, District 2 Councilmember John Castillo
Front row (L-R): Mayor Pro-Tem Angie Gonzales-Sanchez, Mayor Lew White, Councilmember District 3 John Lairsen
Nov. 13 - Planning & Zoning Commission
Nov. 19 – City Council Meeting
Hearing on Animal Limitation and Microchipping Ordinances
The Animal Shelter Advisory Board recommended two ordinances that address animal welfare. If approved at a later date, the animal limitation ordinance would establish that a maximum number of five (5) of dogs and/or cats will be allowed on residential properties within Lockhart. The proposed ordinance includes exemptions for licensed animal shelters, rescue groups, and commercial breeders. Council has asked City Staff to look further into exemptions for fosters, who usually aid animal shelters and rescues, as well as an amendment to the fine schedule and the effective date for enforcement of the ordinance, once passed.
The proposed microchipping ordinance would require microchipping of all dogs and cats to improve chances of reuniting lost pets with owners. Exemptions would be allowed for pets with certain medical issues; cats in Trap, Neuter, Release programs; pets under three (3) months of age; and religious accommodations unless a public health hazard arises.
Lockhart Moving Forward Comprehensive Plan
City Council continued its public hearing on the Lockhart Moving Forward Comprehensive Plan. Planning consultants provided updates to the plan presented on October 15, 2024. Afterwards, City Council adopted the plan. The ordinance amending the plan is effective immediately. The final plan will be posted on PlanLockhartTX.com in the coming days.
City’s Noise Standards Revised
Lockhart City Council held a public hearing on new noise level standards recommended by the Planning & Zoning (P&Z) Commission. The ordinance revisions affect commercially zoned areas adjacent to residential properties. P&Z recommended to Council that similar standards to the City of Georgetown be adopted. These standards include the following maximums for respective zones:

Master Service Agreement for Utility Easement Acquisition Services
A proposed Master Services Agreement with Contract Land Staff (CLS), LLC was approved. CLS staff will provide property acquisition services, including appraisals and right-of-way and utility easement acquisition services. Additionally, Council also approved an agreement for a work order between the City and CLS. The work order outlines services for acquiring up to nine permanent utility easements for relocating existing electric utility overhead distribution lines and infrastructure in the Downtown Lockhart area between S. Main St. and S. Commerce St.
Bank Agreement Finalized
Finance Department staff presented the bids received for banking services. Staff recommended the acceptance of First Lockhart National Bank's proposal as the City of Lockhart's depository bank.
The City considered the cost of services as well as earnings potential of idle cash under the contract and authorized the agreement.
ATTENTION: This is a recap of the highlights of action taken at the June 4, 2024, Council meeting. The complete agenda can be found by visiting: City of Lockhart, TX (lockhart-tx.org).