Municipal Court is open to the public.
Courtroom Conduct
The following are prohibited:
Weapons of any type (e.g., guns, knives, chemical sprays, etc.)
All electronic devices
Recording devices; The activity of photographing, televising, video transcribing, recording and broadcasting are prohibited in the courtroom, chambers or any other interior area of the municipal court building unless expressly approved by the Court in advance.
Wearing hats, caps, sunglasses
Food or beverages
Talking/loud noises
Gestures, facial expressions or sounds indicating approval/disapproval
Inappropriate attire: shorts, cut-offs, tank tops, midriff tops, visible undergarments, garments that display messages that promote violence, drugs or illicit behavior
Displaying gang signs/gestures
Anyone expressing egregious disregard for the dignity of the court may be held in contempt of court at the discretion of the Judge.
By Order of Presiding Judge, City of Lockhart Municipal Court