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Lockhart Community News
Business occupancy restrictions ordered by state take effect

The hospital capacity in Trauma Service Area (TSA) O, which includes Lockhart and Caldwell County, has remained above the 15% mark occupied by COVID patients for 7 consecutive days, activating more restrictive components of the standing Governor’s Order (GA-32).


GA-32 (issued October 7, 2020) allows most facilities to operate at 75% capacity, unless they are located in a Trauma Service Area with high COVID-19 hospitalizations. An “area with high hospitalizations” is defined as “any Trauma Service Area that has had seven consecutive days in which the number of COVID- 19 hospitalized patients as a percentage of total hospital capacity exceeds 15 percent, until such time as the Trauma Service Area has seven consecutive days in which the number of COVID- 19 hospitalized patients as a percentage of total hospital capacity is 15 percent or less.”


Restrictive components of GA-32 now in effect include:

  • Reducing occupancy in businesses or establishments from 75% of listed occupancy to 50%
  • Closing bars or similar establishments that hold a permit from the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) and are not restaurants as defined in the Order.  


Important links:




Letter from County Judge with regard to Trauma Service Area O


COVID-19 hospital occupancy (select trauma region O)


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