Proclamations for National Library Week and Child Abuse and Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention month, ARPA funding spending plan, zoning changes, sidewalk policy, a code of ethics policy for City Council members, board/commission members, and City employees, an Airport Advisory Board nomination, and second public hearing on Redistricting were discussed in last night’s City Council meeting.
National Library Week Proclamation: The Mayor presented a proclamation to Library Staff designating the week of April 3-9 as National Library Week.
Child Abuse and Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Proclamation: The Mayor also presented a proclamation to representatives of Hays-Caldwell Women’s Center recognizing the month of April as Child Abuse and Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month.
American Rescue Plan Act Spending Plan: City Council approved a resolution outlining the City’s spending plan for American Rescue Plan Act 2021 (ARPA) relief funds associated with the implementation of the ARPA-Coronavirus Local and State Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF) allocation. The City will receive $3.5 million in federal funding to help pay for personal protective equipment and COVID-19 medical supplies, infrastructure investment, and to replace lost revenue to utility funds.
Council Redistricting: Council referred potential amendments submitted by LULAC Council 22390 and other residents on the proposed redistricting plan to the City’s special counsel--Bickerstaff, Heath, Delgado, and Acosta, LLP-- to be considered at a future City Council meeting.
Sidewalks: Council tabled a proposed ordinance establishing maintenance responsibility for sidewalks.
Zoning Changes:
- Council tabled Chris Bancroft’s zoning change request, made on behalf of Alma Ewald, from 23.054 acres Agricultural Open to 18.535 acres Residential High Density and 4.529 acres Commercial Medium Business at 1650 N. Colorado St. to the June 7th Council Meeting due to not yet having a final recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission.
- Council also tabled Bancroft’s second zoning change request, made on behalf of Ernest Ewald, Jr. from 15.906 acres Agricultural Open to 12.262 acres Residential High Density and 3.644 acres Commercial Medium Business at 1724 N. Colorado St. until the July 7th meeting.
Code of Ethics Policy: The proposed Code of Ethics Policy for City Council, Board and Commissions Members and City employees was also tabled to provide Councilmembers additional time to review.
Airport Advisory Board Appointment: Councilmembers appointed Mr. Daniel Koehler to the Airport Advisory Board.
City Manager’s Report:
- City offices will be closed on Friday, April 15, in observance of Good Friday.
- CARTS Now on-demand services will begin on May 2. There will be two dedicated vans for Lockhart. Rides will be free during the six-month pilot period. After that, it will be $2 each way with discounted rates for seniors and free of charge for military veterans on medical trips.
ATTENTION: This is a recap of the highlights of action taken at the April 5, 2022, meeting. The complete agenda can be found by visiting: City of Lockhart, TX (