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Utility Billing

Utility Billing Cycle Due Dates


 Cycle  Mailed on  Due in  Due on
 Cycle 1  5th day of the month  20 days  25th of the month
 Cycle 2  20th day of the month  20 days  10th of the month


TERMS: Bills are payable by the indicated due date. If payment is not received by the due date, a late fee will be added to your account. Payment received in the night drop or online after 5:00 p.m. on the Due Date will be posted the next working day and will be considered delinquent and charged a late fee. Postmarks on mail are a deciding factor in determining the late fee. Service is subject to disconnection 5 days after due date. If not paid, an additional charge will be assessed. 

Balance forward must be paid immediately unless prior arrangements have been made. 

Failure to receive bill does not exempt you from monthly payment, late charge, or disconnection. 

Payments dropped off 5 days after due date must be received in our office listed above by the specified date to avoid possibility of disconnection of service for non-payment and other fees or charges. We are not responsible for the mail service.

Fees included in Utility Billing

Transportation Infrastructure Fee (09-05-2017)

 Each Dwelling & Business Unit  $6.00 per month


Drainage Utility System Fee (02-02-2016)

 Each Non-Residential Unit  $5.25 per month
 Each Residential Dwelling Unit  $2.50 per month


Utility Account Customers: Please remember that you can utilize the online Utility Account method to make a payment, view utility consumption history or to print your payment history. Additionally, you can access your account and make a payment 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by calling 855-340-0595.


If you have questions about viewing your utility billing information on-line, please call Customer Service Department at (512) 376-2475.


You may also contact City Hall
Lockhart City Hall
308 W. San Antonio St.
P.O. Box 239
Lockhart, TX 78644
512-398-5103 fax

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