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Special City Council Recap: January 9, 2024

January 9, 2024


Growth management issues regarding water and sewer utilities and transportation matters were discussed in Tuesday night’s Special City Council workshop meeting.

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January 16 – Regular Session (postponed to January 18)

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Utility and Transportation Growth Management:

                The City’s Planning Director, Public Works Director, and City Engineer briefed City Council on the status of housing developments and growth in Lockhart, which includes utility and transportation capacities. The link to the presentation is included in this Recap.

  1. Housing: Housing in Lockhart continued to experience significant growth in 2023 setting a new record on single-family housing permits at 585, as compared to 283 permits in 2022 and 94 permits in 2021.
    1. The City received one multifamily permit in 2023, a decrease from 2022’s two permits.
    2. The following subdivisions are expected to add homes in 2024:
      1. Kelly Villas
      2. Hansford Subdivision Phase 2
      3. Summerside Subdivision Sections 4 – 6
      4. Lockhart Farms
      5. Centerpoint Meadows, Trinity Square, and Hansford Phase 1 Subdivisions will continue having homes built in 2024.
    3. Housing Market UPDATE: Due to an increase in supply, houses were often still for sale upon completion. Prices have also dropped, and smaller, low-cost housing is available in Lockhart.
    4. Challenge: New development activities slowed down as developers determined how to finance wastewater extensions. Half of these extensions will be paid for through revenue from the City’s newly adopted impact and application fees. The wave of apartment zoning/special use permit (SUP) cases have not yet resulted in widespread construction and larger projects are still in the pre-application stage. Even with the slowdown, a strong buildout is anticipated for approved projects this year.
  2. Utility Capacities and Transportation:
    1. Transportation:
      1. Downtown Revitalization Project UPDATE: Construction for the Downtown Revitalization Project tentatively begins March 2024 and is anticipated to be completed in March 2026. The Project is nearing the competitive bidding process prior to breaking ground. Traffic upgrades include all-way stops around the Courthouse Square, one-way traffic on Commerce and Main Sts., two-way traffic around the Courthouse, and curb bump-outs for improved pedestrian safety.
        1. For more details and specifics on the Downtown Project, you can access the Downtown Revitalization Project Construction Survival Guide on the City’s website.
      2. New Truck Route: Road signs for the new truck route along SH 130 are anticipated to be installed February 2024. Staff is preparing a public notification plan to provide information on the new signs and traffic enforcement of the new truck route.
      3. Proposed SH 142 Projects:
        1. Left turning lanes on W. San Antonio St./SH 142 and Mockingbird Ln.: The addition of left turning lanes in this intersection would improve traffic safety at the intersection, while also relieving bottlenecks during peak hours. The project requires a considerable amount of upfront funding, in which the City is considering coordinating with TxDOT in allowing City funds to be used towards construction on the State Highway (SH 142).
        2. W. San Antonio St./SH 142 from SH 130 to U.S. 183 Corridor Study: The need for a SH 142 Corridor Study was prompted after City Staff presented growth projections along the corridor and the need for SH 142—between SH 130 and U.S. 183—to be widened at the joint Growth Planning Meetings between City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission in 2022 and 2023. Typically, TxDOT conducts these types of studies; however, they have a five-year backlog of similar projects in Lockhart’s district.
      4. Other projects:
        1. N. Blanco St. Bridge Replacement Project: Construction scheduled to begin January 2026.
        2. W. San Antonio St./SH 142 from Downtown Lockhart to Borchert Loop: Pavement repair and overlay are scheduled for Summer 2025.
        3. FY 2023-2024 Street Improvement Projects:
          1. Bois D’Arc St. (from Pecos to Wichita Sts.)
          2. Prairie Lea St. (from Frio to Rio Grande Sts.)
          3. Rosewood St. (from U.S. 183 to Brazos St.)
          4. Red River St. (from Cedar to Olive Sts.)
          5. Sunrise Terrace (from FM 20 to Sundown Blvd.)
          6. Concho St. (from Prairie Lea to Plum Sts.)
          7. Red River St. (from China St. to dead end)
          8. Plum St. (from Cibilo to Guadalupe Sts.)
    2. Utility Capacities (water/wastewater):
      1. Water Plant High Service Pump Project: Completion is anticipated in the first quarter of 2024. The project will increase the efficiency of the Water Plant while also expanding Lockhart’s water supply capacity.
      2. Water Plant Generator Installations: Anticipated completion also in the first quarter of 2024. The Water Plant Generator safeguards water pressures in the system and ensures power at the Plant during power outages.
      3. Water/Wastewater Master Plan: The Water/Wastewater Master Plan will provide a plan and system model for short-term and long-term water/wastewater planning and projects for the City. The Plan will be completed in the third quarter of 2024.



ATTENTION: This is a recap of the highlights of the discussion at the January 9, 2024, Special Council meeting/work session. The complete agenda can be found by visiting: City of Lockhart, TX (lockhart-tx.org).


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