August 22, 2024
The renewal of the City’s Interlocal Agreement with CARTS, an Interlocal Cooperation Agreement to place Lockhart Police school resource officers in schools, public hearing on the FY 24-25 budget, and the nomination of Rob Ortiz to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board were discussed at the August 20 City Council meeting.
Back row (L-R): Councilmember at-large Brad Westmoreland, District 1 Councilmember Juan Mendoza, District 4 Councilmember Jeffry Michelson, District 2 Councilmember John Castillo
Front row (L-R): Mayor Pro-Tem Angie Gonzales-Sanchez, Mayor Lew White, Councilmember District 3 John Lairsen
Upcoming Meetings
August 28 – Planning & Zoning Commission
September 3 – City Council
September 5 – Historical Preservation Committee
Public Hearing for Proposed Fiscal Year 24-25 Budget
Council members heard an update from city staff regarding the budget for FY 2024-2025. The next and final public hearing is scheduled for September 3 at Council Chambers.
Agreement and funding for Capital Area Rural Transportation System (CARTS)
City Council passed amending the interlocal agreement with CARTS, the public transportation system that services rural communities in Central Texas, including Lockhart. Previously, the City of Lockhart’s contribution was $20,000 annually to CARTS. As ridership increases and potential investment of a multi-modal station in Lockhart is discussed, the Lockhart City Council agreed to extend its interlocal agreement to September 2025 and contribute $30,000 annually for this service.
Lockhart ISD (LISD) Interlocal Cooperation Agreement with Lockhart Police for School Resource Officers (SROs)
Lockhart ISD has continued to contract for Lockhart Police officers to work as SROs at its junior high and high school campuses during the 2024-2025 school year.
Approval of Rob Ortiz’s Nomination to Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
Councilmember John Castillo nominated Rob Ortiz to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board. Ortiz currently serves as an alternate member. City council approved the nomination. Ortiz’s term expires in November 2025.
City Manager’s Report
Update regarding the TxCDBG water meter grant
TxCDBG has granted the City of Lockhart a $350,000 grant, which would cover 80% of the funds needed to replace the oldest water meters in the city. There are approximately 950 meters that need to be replaced, due to old age. The oldest meters in the city have been in use for at least 20 years. As meters age, they become less reliable, less accurate, and more costly to repair.
The replacement of these meters will be completed at no cost to homeowners. Residents do not need to be home when the meter replacement takes place. The work is expected to be completed by the end of 2024.
Austin Community College (ACC) Annexation Election
ACC staff are planning their next community outreach event in Lockhart. It is set to take place Wednesday, October 2 at 6 p.m. A time and location still have not been announced. Updated information will be posted on
Downtown Revitalization Project update
DeNucci Constructors, of Austin, were awarded the construction project contract. A preconstruction meeting for the Downtown Revitalization Project is scheduled on August 22. Representatives from the contractor, engineering team, city staff and TxDOT will discuss the plan to coordinate the groundbreaking of the project.
Airport Paving Project Update
TxDOT opened bids on June 13 for the airport paving project. The bid package consisted of six partnering airport entities. However, the bids for the project came in higher than anticipated with only one bid being received for the project. TxDOT recently informed the City that they would like to repackage the projects to attract more bidders in the hopes that the bids will align with previously estimated probable costs. The new tentative anticipated schedule is for the bidding to occur in November of 2024 with the construction estimated to start around April of 2025. The project will consist of repaving the taxiway and runway.
Courthouse Nights
The last event of Courthouse Nights of 2024 is happening on Friday, August 23. It will begin at 7 p.m. on the Caldwell County Courthouse lawn. The Paul Simon cover band, Simon Says, will headline the show.
ATTENTION: This is a recap of the highlights of action taken at the July 16, 2024, Council meeting. The complete agenda can be found by visiting: City of Lockhart, TX (