November 21, 2024
A zoning change, canvassing of the November 5 election results, railroad quiet zones, proposed annexation public hearing, wildlife fencing at the Lockhart Municipal Airport, ordinances on pet limitations and microchipping, new Planning & Permitting software, the allocation of ARPA funds, and a potential CARTS transit station were discussed at the November 20 City Council meeting.

Back row (L-R): Councilmember at-large Brad Westmoreland, District 1 Councilmember Juan Mendoza, District 4 Councilmember Jeffry Michelson, District 2 Councilmember John Castillo
Front row (L-R): Mayor Pro-Tem Angie Gonzales-Sanchez, Mayor Lew White, Councilmember District 3 John Lairsen
No meetings next week.
City offices are closed for the Thanksgiving holiday on November 28 and 29.
Canvassing of Special Election Results
Council members approved Resolution 2024-32, canvassing the Special Election on November 5, 2024. Lockhart residents voted in favor of making changes to the City’s Charter. The changes call for reform of misdemeanor marijuana enforcement by City Personnel.
Railroad Quiet Zones Report
The City Engineer updated City Council on the feasibility of creating a railroad quiet zone in Lockhart. To date, the City has completed the necessary traffic counts, established quiet zone limits for all crossings in Lockhart, and has received conceptual approval for its Quiet Zone Risk Index methodology from the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). Based on this methodology, three crossings are required to meet quiet zone requirements per FRA. The crossings are located on FM 2720, Stueve Lane, and N. Pecos St.
The City’s next step is to meet with the FRA, Union Pacific Railroad, and TxDOT. After the appropriate meetings take place, the final project cost should be determined by March 2025.
Zoning Change at 1701, 1705 S. Commerce Approved
Council approved a zoning change request from Buckhorn Holdings, LLC. More than two acres at 1701 and 1705 S. Commerce St (southwest corner of E. Martin Luther King Industrial Blvd and FM 1322) will now be zoned as a Commercial Heavy Business District. It was previously zoned as an Industrial Light District. The property owner plans to build a convenience store with retail at this location.
Date Set for Proposed Annexation Public Hearing
Council members accepted a petition to voluntarily annex nearly 85 acres at the intersection of FM 1322 and Centerpoint Road, located in the Seawillow District. A public hearing on the annexation, as well as a concurrent zoning change to Residential Medium Density District, will be held on December 17.
Wildlife Fencing Improvements at Lockhart Municipal Airport
Council authorized the City to enter an agreement with TxDOT for wildlife fencing improvements at the Lockhart Municipal Airport. The agreement allows the City to request most of the funding from TxDOT for the project. This project entails constructing approximately 15,000 linear feet of 8' tall wildlife safety fencing and entry/access gates as additional security measures at the airport. The improvement will replace all the aging fence that encircles the airport, protecting the runway from wildlife.
Ordinances Regarding Pet Limitations and Microchipping
Two ordinances proposed by the Animal Shelter Advisory Board were approved. The first ordinance establishes a maximum number of dogs and cats allowed in residences. Lockhart residents may now only own up to five (5) pets (cats and/or dogs.) Residents who already own more than five pets may keep them but may not replace them until that number reaches five or fewer. The ordinance includes exemptions for shelters, licensed breeders, and fosters.
Council also approved an ordinance that would require dogs and cats living within the City of Lockhart to be microchipped. Should a pet ever become lost, veterinarians and animal shelters can scan the pet for a microchip and locate its owner. Animals adopted from the Lockhart Animal Shelter will be microchipped before they go home with their new owner. Animals who are already adopted but are not microchipped may receive a chip from the Lockhart Animal Shelter for a fee of $15.
City to Adopt Use of Planning & Permitting Software
Council approved an Interlocal Agreement between The South Central Planning and Development Commission (SCPDC), through its agent, CAPCOG, and the City of Lockhart for the use of the MyGovernmentOnline (MGO) Planning & Permitting Software. This software will be used to process applications, zoning and building permits, receive fees online, receive documents, track the progress of applications, and schedule inspections.
Allocation of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds
The City of Lockhart has $1.4 million of ARPA funds remaining to allocate towards future projects. These funds must be allocated or assigned to City projects by the end of December 2024 and used before the end of 2026. City staff have worked to assign the funds while meeting criteria for what the funds can be used. City Council tentatively approved the remaining ARPA funds to pay for the following projects:
- Library exterior and interior painting/floors
- Animal Shelter rehabilitation/improvements
- Fleet replacement
Final action is scheduled for December 3
City Manager’s Report
CARTS Potential Transit Station
CARTS is searching for a site in Lockhart with the following criteria:
- At least 0.25 acres
- Centrally located
- Pedestrian accessibility
- Proximity to primary destinations (HEB, downtown, health care, etc.)
- Incorporate public restrooms
So far, the consultant is working to narrow the list down to five sites. The consultant’s study will be used to pursue grant opportunities for the project.
San Jacinto Elevated Storage Tank (EST) Project
The repainting of the EST on San Jacinto is now underway. Crews have begun installing shrouding (protective covering), which will help prevent dust and paint from drifting off site. The work is estimated to be completed by early January.
Crime Prevention Meeting
First Baptist Church hosted a crime prevention meeting on Tuesday, November 12 and invited Lockhart Police to present crime prevention tips.
Lockhart EDC Seeks Music Friendly Designation
The Lockhart Economic Development Corporation (LEDC) is seeking the Music Friendly Designation from the Texas Music Office (TMO.) This effort speaks to the commitment to foster a supportive environment for the music industry and will enhance Lockhart’s cultural identity as a place where music thrives.
Ziegenfelder (Twin Pops) Update
Ziegenfelder plans to begin hiring employees for its Lockhart plant in December, going into January. The company expects to hire for 100 jobs. Ziegenfelder is still making progress on construction of its facility and expects to open by March 1, 2025.
Upcoming City Office Closures
City offices will be closed Thanksgiving Day and the day after Thanksgiving, November 28 and 29.
ATTENTION: This is a recap of the highlights of action taken at the June 4, 2024, Council meeting. The complete agenda can be found by visiting: City of Lockhart, TX (lockhart-tx.org).