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Development Services

Fee Schedules


NOTE: A new fee schedule for planning and building applications took effect September 1, 2023. Affected fees include all zoning, platting and planning-related fees, historic permits, sign permits, tree removal permits, variances, public improvement inspections, and engineering plan reviews. The commercial and multifamily building plan review and inspection fees adopted in 2019 remain in place.



 Amending Plat/Minor Plat/Minor Replat  $750, plus $100 per acre
 Final Plat/Major Replat/Resubdivision  $1,000, plus $100 per acre
 Preliminary Plat/Development Plat  $1,500, plus $100 per acre




 Zoning Change  $250, plus $150 per acre, maximum of $10,000, plus additional $1,000 for Planned Development District (PDD)
 Specific Use Permit  $250 plus $150 per acre, maximum of $2,500
 Zoning Variance/Special Exception  $250 plus $150 per acre, maximum of $2,500
 Subdivision Variance  $750 per variance requested
 PID/MUD/SUD/WCID Consent Agreement  $10,000 minimum escrow, plus professional fees
 Zoning Verification Letter  $75
 Voluntary Annexation  $1,500


Family Transfer Exception:  $250

Engineering Plan Review Fee (Subdivisions and Site Plans):  $1,000 + $250 per acre, $20,000 maximum

Traffic Impact Analysis Fee:  $1,000 + professional review fees

Certificate for Alteration/Historic Landmark:  $50

Historic Preservation Tax Abatement:  $200

Public Improvement Inspections:  $1,000 per acre

Off-site Utility Extension Review:  $1 per foot of utility extension, each utility assessed separately. Also applies to upsizing.



Residential Building Fees

Residential Building Fees - printable document


Residential Dwelling, New Construction:  $0.45 per square foot

Residential Duplex New Construction:  $0.45 per square foot

Residential Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU):  $0.45 per square foot

Residential Building Repair/Remodel:  $75

Residential Addition: $75


Residential Plumbing, New Construction: $75

Residential Plumbing, Repair/Remodel: $75


Residential Electric, New Construction: $75

Residential Electric, Repair/Remodel: $75

Electrical Meter Loop: $75

Residential Electric Tap Fee:  $200 overhead service


Residential Mechanical, New Construction: $75

Residential Mechanical, Repair/Remodel: $75


Residential Carport, Garage:  $75

Residential Shed/Storage Building:  $75

Residential Deck/Patio with/without Cover: $75

Residential Roof:  $75

Residential Fence:  $50

Residential Driveway:  $75

Residential Swimming Pool: $125


Residential Demolition: $75

Residential Building/Structure Moving Permit:  $75

Residential Tree Removal:  $100

Residential Permit Renewal:  $75

Residential Reinspection:  $100 building, plumbing/gas, electric, mechanical

Residential Plan Check Fee:  50% of building permit fee



Commercial Building Fees

Commercial Building Fees - printable document

All fees listed in the tables below shall be applied to all commercial and multi-family construction plan reviews and commercial/multi-family construction inspections that the City outsources to a third-party company.  All fees calculated using the following tables will have a 5% added fee of the total cost for administrative services.  Resolution No. 2022-19


Fee Table 1 - New Commercial and Multi-Family Construction Plan Review

Valuation Fee
 $1.00 to $10,000  $50
 $10,001 to $25,000  $70.69 for the first $10,000 + $5.46 for each additional   $1,000 
 $25,001 - $50,000  $152.59 for the first $25,000 + $3.94 for each additional   $1,000 
 $50,001 - $100,000  $251.09 for the first $50,000 + $2.73 for each additional   $1,000 
 $100,001 - $500,000  $387.59 for the first $100,000 + $2.19 for each additional   $1,000 
 $500,001 to $1,000,000  $1,263.59 for the first $500,000 + $1.85 for each additional   $1,000 
 $1,000,0001 and up  $2,188.59 for the first $1,000,000 + $1.23 for each   additional $1,000 


Fee Table 2 - New Commercial and Multi-Family Construction Inspection

Valuation Fee
 $1.00 to $10,000  $50
 $10,001 to $25,000  $108.75 for the first $10,000 + $8.40 for each additional   $1,000 
 $25,001 - $50,000  $234.75 for the first $25,000 + $6.06 for each additional   $1,000 
 $50,001 - $100,000  $386.25 for the first $50,000 + $4.20 for each additional   $1,000 
 $100,001 - $500,000  $596.25 for the first $100,000 + $3.36 for each additional   $1,000 
 $500,001 to $1,000,000  $1,940.25 for the first $500,000 + $2.85 for each additional   $1,000 
 $1,000,0001 and up  $3,365.25 for the first $1,000,000 + $1.89 for each   additional $1,000 


Fee Table 1 - Repair/Remodel/Addition Commercial & Multi-Family Construction Plan Review (Resolution No. 2019-13)

Valuation Fee
 $1,000 and less  No fee, unless inspection required in which case a $15.00   fee for each inspection shall be charged
 $1,001 to $50,000  $15.00 for the first $1,000 + $5.00 for each additional   $1,000 of fraction thereof, to and including $50,000
 $50,001 - $100,000  $260.60 for the first $50,000 + $4.00 for each additional   $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000
 $100,001 - $500,000  $460.00 for the first $50,000 + $3.00 for each additional   $1,000 or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000
 $500,001 and up  $1660.00 for the first $500,000 + $2.00 for each additional   $1,000 or fraction thereof. 


Commercial New Construction:  As approved in Resolution 2022-9 above

Commercial Building Repair/Remodel/Addition:  As approved in Resolution 2019-13 above


Commercial Plumbing, New Construction:  $75 (+ $20/unit hotel, multifamily and similar configurations)

Commercial Plumbing Repair/Remodel:  $75


Commercial Electric, New Construction:  $75

Commercial Electric Repair/Remodel:  $75

Commercial Electric Meter Loop:  $75

Commercial Electric Tap Fee:  Variable, check with Electric Utility 512-398-6117


Commercial Mechanical, New Construction:  $75 (+ $20/unit hotel, multifamily and similar configurations)

Commercial Mechanical, Repair/Remodel:  $75


Commercial Sign:  $100 + $1 per square foot

Commercial Carport:  $75  

Commercial Storage Building/Shed:  $75

Commercial Roof:  based on project valuation

Commercial Fence:  $75

Commercial Swimming Pool:  $150


Commercial Demolition:  $75

Commercial Building/Structure Moving Permit:  $75

Commercial Tree Removal:  $200

Commercial Permit Renewal:  $75

Commercial Reinspection:  $100

Commercial Plan Check Fee:  50% of building permit fee



Impact Fees 


Appendix 1 - Schedule 1 Impact Fees to Be Assessed

 Water Impact Fees:  $4,562.36 per living unit equivalent
 Wastewater Impact Fees:  $5,792.42 per living unit equivalent
 Roadway Impact Fees - Service Area 1:  $1,501.00 per vehicle mile
 Roadway Impact Fees - Service Area 2:  $1,806.00 per vehicle mile


Impact Fees - Code of Ordinances


Roadway Impact Fees - Final Report


Water/Wastewater Impact Fees - Analysis & Plan


Water Tap Fee

 3/4 inch  $425
 1 inch  $500
 2 inch  $1,075
 Over 2 inches bore fee  Variable (check with Water/Wastewater Department)
 Bore fee (if applicable)  Variable (check with Water/Wastewater Department)



Sewer Tap Fee

 4 inch  $425
 6 inch  $525
 8 inch or larger  $25 (inspection fee only)



Black & White Copies (per printed side)

 11" x 17"  $0.50
 8 1/2" x 11" and 8 1/2" x 14"  $0.10
 Larger than 11" x 17"  $5.00
 Map Printout  $5.00 per square foot



Color Prints/Plots

 11" x 17" and smaller  $1.50
 Larger than 11" x 17"  $5.00
 Map Printout  $5.00 per square foot


If you have any questions, please contact Yvette Aguado at yaguado@lockhart-tx.org.

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