The following is information providing a list of rules for qualifications for individuals to serve on a City of Lockhart board/commission as adopted by the Lockhart City Council on February 15, 2022:
Section 2-209 of the Lockhart Code of Ordinances. - Rules for qualifications and appointment.
The city council hereby sets the following rules:
(a) Except as may be established by existing city ordinances or resolutions, the process for selecting members shall be open to all Lockhart citizens, who must apply for appointment, to include those applying for reappointment. Reappointment shall not be deemed automatic.
(b) Council shall seek to appoint the most qualified or best persons available, while also respecting the need for diverse community opinions.
(c) The qualifications for members of boards and commissions, except special qualifications for service on a particular board or commission, are as follows:
1. Appointees must each be a resident of the State of Texas and a resident of the City of Lockhart for at least twelve (12) consecutive months preceding their appointment unless a particular board’s or commission’s composition or state law allows for membership by a non-resident of the City.
2. The City Council shall have the right, but not the duty, to appoint up to two members who are not city residents but who are residents of Caldwell County to the Lockhart Airport Advisory Board, the Eugene Clark Library Board, and the construction board of appeals.
3. Appointees shall be qualified voters in the City of Lockhart or, if not a resident of the City, of Caldwell County.
4. Appointees shall not have been removed from another city board or commission because of failure to attend meetings or for cause within the last three years.
5. No member of a board or commission, except the Lockhart Economic Development Corporation, may remain in his or her position after being elected to City Council.
6. A member who is required to be a resident of the city (or county when applicable) when appointed and who thereafter moves his or her primary residence outside of the corporate limits of Lockhart (or county when applicable) vacates his or her position on a board of commission on the date the residency changes.
7. Any member of a board or commission who is absent from three consecutive regular meetings, or any four non-consecutive regular meetings of the board or commission during any twelve-month period, shall forfeit his or her position and the vacancy occurring shall be declared and filled by the Council.
8. Members must maintain their qualifications while serving on a board or commission
(d) No member of any appointed body shall serve on more than one quasi-judicial or advisory board or commission.
(e) No appointed body shall deviate from its charge, deliberate items not on its agendas, or speak for the council or City of Lockhart without council authorization.
(f) Members appointed serve without compensation.